Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day, Everyone! As you've probably guessed, this is one of my favorite days! And I love that it is so close to Easter. Obviously, Easter is a much more significant holiday for me, but I can't help but think that it makes God happy when we take care of His beautiful creation. Instead of giving you the usual list: say no to plastic bags, conserve water, turn off unused appliances, recycle, etc. (all important, btw)...I thought I'd share a few earth friendly things that make me happy!

Avocados make me SO happy, and the first chance I ever get to plant an avocado tree, I will! Having your own small garden is SUPER earth friendly and can save you big bucks!

Spoon Rings: so hot right now. I love them! Not only are they unique and effortlessly BoHo, but each is made from a recycled spoon! Freakin' sweet if you ask me. I just bought one on today.

If you haven't heard of this, check it. It's a search engine by Google without all the crazy pictures and hoo ha. It even tells you how many Watt hours have been saved by people using it.

Bring your own mug to your fav. coffee spot...or sit a spell and use a porcelain mug. No more senseless paper cup waisting!!! This eco tumbler is available for a couple bucks at

Get cool and get around a bike! No gas, no insurance, no smog...exercise and getting out into the fresh air...yes, please! Plus, trendy people on bikes just look so darn cool.

Say no to cleaning supplies loaded with chemicals. Try using Apple Cider Vinegar. It's cheap, it kills like, EVERYTHING, it doesn't hurt the environment, and it makes your house smell like you've just eaten a nice, fresh salad. What's not to love?

I love you all, and a very happy Earth Day to you!

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